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Stall terms, conditions and guidelines


Stalls applications must be made via the form on the website. Correspondence regarding stalls and mailing lists should be addressed to


For other general enquiries, remarks or suggestions, please email

Sherwood Community Festival Association Inc. (hereafter referred to as SCF) has reserved the right to the following stall terms, conditions and guidelines.

2024 date claimers

EOIs for stall applications open 15 May, 2024

Closing date for stall applications is 30 July, 2024



Applications will be open during the dates listed above. Applications received before or after the above dates will not be considered. Those on the SCF mailing list will be sent a link to the online application form by email only. Applications received on forms from previous years will not be accepted.

The closing date for applications is as per the date claimers above. Late applications will not be accepted. Withdrawals after the cutoff date for your application round will not be refunded. The organisers reserve the right to hold subsequent application rounds in specific categories. 

Upon submission, applications must be fully completed, and a copy of a current certificate of Public Liability insurance, and if food-related, a copy of a current Food Licence (see Food Licence below) uploaded with your application. If successful, an invoice will be sent to the stallholder which must be paid by the due date or the stall will be offered to another applicant.

Applications are not considered confirmed until all of the above conditions are satisfied.

Once the above conditions are met, you will be sent an email confirming your SCF Stall application has been confirmed.


No later than one week before the event date, stallholders will be sent a map (or link) indicating their allocated stall position and confirming bump in/bump out times.

Past participation does not guarantee a stall. Even if all above conditions are fulfilled, your application may not be successful, at the discretion of the committee. This especially applies to stall duplications, inferior or mass-produced products, a truck over a small stall, etc. In which case you will be advised within 10 business days of the closing date for applications.

Stall type definitions


Non Profit Organisations

Organisations such as charities, and local groups (scouts, guides, historical society, sport groups, nursing mothers, ).

General Goods and Commercial Operators

General Goods constitute clothing, toys, household items, games, jewelry, stationary, sample bags, business information (such as real estate, gyms, banks, chiropodists, etc). Schools and Kindergartens will also register under this category. 

Commercial Food Operator

Stalls serving food that is prepared on the festival site (eg pizzas, pastas, paellas). This also includes stalls selling drinks, icecreams etc

Terms and conditions


The use of the Arboretum grounds for the festival is dependent on approval from the Festival and Events Liaison Team and if the grounds are deemed unsuitable for festival activities due to inclement weather in the days prior or for any other reason, SCF reserves the right to cancel or postpone the event to a later date. Refunds cannot be gauranteed. In the event of inclement weather on the day of the festival, SCF reserves the right to close down the festival, in which case no refunds will be given to stallholders as overhead expenses will have already been incurred.

In the event of a government directive which impacts the SCF's ability to deliver the event SCF reserves the right to postpone or cancel the event, and in which case no refunds will be given to stallholders as overhead expenses will have already been incurred.

Any stallholders who do not appear on the day, or withdraw after the cut-off date for their Application Round, will not be given a refund. Any refunds processed before the application cut-off date will exclude any payment processing fees incurred by the festival.

All documentation and fees must be provided by the cut-off date or risk rejection.

SCF reserves the right to evict those traders who have not fulfilled SCF conditions, or who have been uncooperative.

SCF reserves the right to change stall locations at short notice. In the instance where there is a no-show, SCF reserves the right to move another stallholder into that empty position without notice. The organizer's reserve the right to allocate festival sites as required for the safe, efficient operation of the festival. Preferring an alternative site will not be grounds for refunds or variations. 

SCF reserves the right to choose between stallholders offering the same merchandise, deny applications to those who have in the past disregarded the terms & conditions or have offered inferior products, and to withdraw application acceptance from those who do not provide the necessary documentation and payment within the Application Close time frame.

SCF will not grant exclusivity nor pander to complaints about placement near competitors. All best effort is made to place stalls compatibly and in the most suitable locations. Late applications will be placed in any un-allocated spaces and therefore must accept what is given, or withdraw their applications.

SCF is a family community festival and permits the public to take photographs of the stalls and merchandise, and of the festival in general.

Compulsory – Insurance


All stallholders must be in possession of a current certificate of Public Liability insurance. A copy must be sent with your application.

Compulsory – Food Licence

All food stallholders must adhere to the Queensland Food Act 2006. For more information on food licenses, go here.

Food stallholders are strictly forbidden to cook against walls and shop windows. Failure to comply will mean a ban from future festivals. No glass may be used to serve food or beverages.

Unless exempt, all food stallholders must be in possession of a current Food Licence, or a Temporary Food Licence, which must be displayed on the night as per Council regulations, and a copy must be forwarded with your application. 

Licences can be applied for at Brisbane City Council (07 3403 8888). Our nearest centre is in Station Road, Indooroopilly. To avoid delay it is recommended you submit your application as soon as possible (Council require one month’s notice). If you do not have this licence with you then a Council Inspector may close down your stall.


Links to food regulations and standards have been included here.

Exemptions: there are very few exemptions to Food Licences and these are normally restricted to certain non-profit organisations or licensed restaurants operating as per usual. If you think you may be eligible for exemption, before lodging an application please contact Brisbane City Council on 07 3403 8888 for proof of BCC exemption or email

Restricted items

Unless specific approval is granted, the following items are prohibited at the SCF:

• Raffle tickets

• Alcohol

• Tobacco products and paraphernalia

• Sexually suggestive items

• Explosive devices (e.g. fireworks, cap-guns)

• Items that are insensitive or offensive to a family oriented festival

• Only generators that are small, silenced and smoke/fume free are permitted.

• The use of balloons and single use plastics is prohibited as per Brisbane City Council event regulations.

Stall set-up and pack-up details 


SCF provide the space, but tables, chairs, tents, stall rubbish bins, lighting must all be provided by the stallholder. The festival does not provide any kind of power. This is the responsibility of the stall holders. 

Tents and marquees will require a method of being securely restrained other than tent pegs. No penetrations into the ground are permitted.

All stallholders must trade within their allocated space, which will have been marked with cones and/or fencing and numbered. SCF reserves the right to change these locations at short notice. It is not possible to exceed your space, as you may be placed directly alongside another vendor. For example, if a tow-bar overshoots the allotted space, this will impinge on all stalls down the line and will not be tolerated. This also includes vans and the like which may not be easily maneuverable once other stalls have set up.

On the day, all stallholders must be aware of their allocated stall number, which will be sent in a List of Stalls upon successful application. Stallholders are also asked to familiarise themselves with the map for an indication of their site allocation.

Please note there is no on-site or allocated parking for Vendors. After setting up your site you will need to access general street parking. 


For pedestrian safety, please enter and leave the festival area with your hazard lights on, drive slowly, show tolerance and courtesy.

You will be given a designated bump-in and bump-out time prior to the festival. This may need to be varied for the safe operation of the festival and is completely at the discretion of the festival. You must enter or exit within your designated time, or you may lose your slot to other stalls. Vehicles must remain on the designated road ways unless approved prior.

Electrical requirements

Lighting to highlight wares is recommended. 

SCF will not provide access to power or lighting. Streetlights will be on, and floodlights will placed around the Arboretum.

Stallholders may wish to consider bringing their own battery or solar powered lighting.

SCF understands that there are now small, effective, silent generators available and stallholders are also welcome to bring them. Generators that are not silenced, smoke or fume free are not permitted.

Lighting pollution

It is a Brisbane City Council Requirement of the SCF permit that your lighting does not adversely effect or interfere with the adjacent stalls, entertainment, public or surrounding residents and Brisbane City Council officers will be on site to enforce/fine stallholders who breach the lighting level requirements.


If you are adversely affected by lighting from an adjacent stall, please advise the SCF Information Stall who will undertake the necessary action.

Safe storage of cash and valuable items, theft and lost property

Stallholders are responsible for ensuring that any cash and valuable items being transported, held or on display are appropriately secured and not left unattended at any time. SCF are not liable or responsible for the loss or theft of any stall-holder's items or cash. Theft should be reported to patrolling Security Staff or Police, and the SCF Information Stall. Public lost property must be handed to the SCF Information Stall.

Safety compliance

The stallholders must comply with all instructions issued by any emergency service authority, Brisbane City Council officers and SCF Committee.

Noise control 

Please be aware of Council restrictions and the surrounding community.

All noise generated from your stall must be kept to a minimum such that noise levels from your stall do not adversely effect or interfere with the adjacent stalls, entertainment, public or surrounding residents. It is a Brisbane City Council Requirement of the SCF permit to restrict noise levels and Brisbane City Council officers will be on site to enforce / fine stall operators who breach the noise level requirements.   

If you are adversely affected by noise from an adjacent stall, advise the SCF Information Stall who will undertake the necessary action.

The local and surrounding community have been advised that the event is taking place. However please be considerate in the amount of noise your stall may create.

Community members or other stallholders may make complaints regarding excessive noise. 

All generators must be of the small and silent variety.


Stallholders should ensure that stalls are kept attended, tidy and clean at all times. 

Stallholders are expected to remove all their own rubbish.   

Stallholders are NOT permitted to use the domestic style wheelie bins provided by the SCF for use by the public during the event. Stall holders are permitted to use the bins provided on site during the bump out time, provided the lid closes completely. 

If public rubbish bins are full, stallholders are required to inform the SCF staff at the earliest convenience. 

Drainage and wash-down

If you have made some spills, these must be washed down prior to leaving your site. Drains must not be blocked.

Under no circumstances may oil or fats be poured into the ground or any drains.


If adversely affected by an exhaust from an adjacent stall, please advise the SCF Information Stall who will undertake the necessary action.

Emergency or accident

For medical emergencies or accidents please contact SCF staff who will initiate the necessary action by either on site first aid officers, emergency services and/or security.

First aid

A first aid officer will be in attendance. They will be situated adjacent to the SCF information stall and will have the only vehicular access allowed during the festival and they will manage emergencies as required.

Lost persons

All lost persons should be taken to the SCF Information Stall who will then report the matter to the police.

Aggression, anti-social behaviour and assault will not be tolerated and perpetrators will be banned from future events.

Please report all such occurrences to SCF staff or the Information Stall and where appropriate, police will be notified.

There will also be security staff patrolling the event area to ensure safety and security measures are observed.


Police may enter the stall, without warrant, and give direction to the person responsible for any noncompliance. The direction can be given orally or in writing and will direct the person to immediately abate the non-complying activity.

Police can require the person responsible to state their correct name and address and to give evidence of the correctness of the stated name and address if, in the circumstances, it would be reasonable to expect the person to be in possession evidence of age. Remember that it is an offence not to give the police officer your correct name and address. 

Stallholders who do not comply with these conditions and instructions from any emergency service authority, any of the Brisbane City Council officers or the officers of the SCF, will not be permitted to have a stall in future years.

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