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The Festival Committee

We are the volunteers that come together each year to make the Sherwood Community Festival a fun and exciting evening for everyone.

SCF is a not-for-profit association managed by a volunteer committee.  We meet monthly (currently on the third Wednesday of each month at 6pm) from March to mid-year,  then fortnightly and as the festival nears, we meet weekly. Some of our volunteers only help at the event, others help sporadically throughout the year as needed, and the committee spend a bit of time each week working on the festival planning.   So, who is the committee comprised of?

The Executive

The executive consists of the statutory roles of President, Secretary and Treasurer. These positions must be filled for the committee to function according to its constitution and legal obligations.


The President of the committee must hold the team together, maintain momentum and morale, be a master of community engagement, win over local dignitaries, and dazzle the authorities etc etc.  And then write a nice report for the AGM that sums up the committee's achievements for the preceding year and encourages them to do it all again the following year.


The Secretary is our communications guru, the knower of names and distributor of minutes. They will maintain our intellectual property and spread knowledge far and wide as needs must.  It can be a minimally involved role (just minutes and meeting reminders) or more (assisting with other communication) depending on who's in the Secretary seat.


The Treasurer is responsible for compiling the budget with the assistance of each department head and the executive, to track our financial progress throughout the delivery of our festival.  He or she holds the purse strings and arranges payment of bills and sending of invoices as needed.  They will also arrange for an annual audit of our accounts and maintain our investments to ensure that the festival will continue to be an ongoing success.


The Publicity and Marketing Coordinator provides leadership to the Social Media Manager and Website Manager.  They will bring their enthusiasm to the table and get the word out to our favourite neighbourhood to ensure our festival will be front of mind in the Sherwood community as the big day approaches.  Our publicity campaigns are developed and presented across multiple channels including web, social media and flyers.


The Stalls Convener will be our point of contact with those wishing to present their wares at our festival.  Not only will they need to recruit a motley crew of Sherwood luminaries to ensure that our local services and goodies are highlighted, they will need to keep a large and varied body of stall holders informed and make sure each and every one of them knows they are an important part of the event. This is a tough ask so we're hoping that this year they will be joined by an eager Stalls Assistant with a hard work ethic and sunny disposition.


The Entertainment Coordinator is responsible for bringing the talent and the fun.  You will be responsible for making sure that our local community shines on the night and the large demographic is entertained.  You need to keep a broad range of stakeholders in the loop and onside through the rollercoaster ride that is our great annual festival.  Did I mention the fun?  This role is too vast for just one pair of shoulders, so we've created the Deputy Entertainment Coordinator role for a person with strong hands to carry some of the load.


The Sponsorship Manager is another vital role with important stakeholders. This event is free to the public so we rely on local sponsors to make it all possible. This means we need at least two amazing people with great skills in the schmoozing department to win sponsors and keep them sweet for decades to come. Our Sponsorship Manager and their able Sponsorship Assistant will need to ensure that we do what it takes to spread the love from our fabulous community to the kind souls and organisations that allow the show to go on each year. The Grants Manager will also need to be adept with the paperwork and may be excused from schmoozing if that's not really their thing.


The Technical Manager will bring lights, colour and sound to make our community shine safely on the night.  You will also be responsible for managing the physical assets of our festival and organising the delivery and set up of equipment and the careful dispersal of everything once we're done.  You don't need to be a qualified technician to do this role as there is plenty of guidance.  You just need to be willing and able to make calls for quotes and bookings, then (ideally) be there on the night to supervise!

Traffic & Permits

The Traffic & Permits Manager will be responsible for keeping it legal.  You will need to jump every hurdle, fill out every form and ensure that we are compliant with every regulation. We're going to turn our busy little corner of Sherwood into a temporary mall swarming with excited children, bewildered parents and delighted elders so we need to make sure the site is safe and well assisted by local authorities.  Sound terrifying?  It's not.  Brisbane City Council offer excellent support in this area so it's mostly a case of just ensuring the paperwork is lodged by the due dates.


General members are welcome. We hope they will commit to attending monthly meetings and help out where they can. General members enjoy voting rights and will have a say on the direction of the committee. As the work of the committee peaks nearer the day of the festival, the general members may need to step up and help to a greater extent.  For people who can't commit to the meetings, we encourage them to join up as associates so they are kept in the loop and can help when they are able to.

Out of respect for the other volunteers it is important for all members to commit to: 


  • Attend as many meetings as possible, or send apologies if they can’t make it (together with any relevant updates that may need addressing) 

  • Complete allocated tasks in the appropriate time frame 

  • Communicate, especially if there are any issues

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